Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da

Another day in the life of steven...

The day started off with the sight of a great billboard-props to the sleep center of Chesapeake General Hospital. I rolled up to the shop in my whip and decided to block Rob's car in(by the end of the day when Mr. B showed up, i was the one blocked in. Karma i tell you; it gets me everytime). Shortly after, i recieved news of a customer who likes to make himself at home around the shop just a bit too much. Before i arrived at the shop, this customer took my bike down and went to take my saddle off (OFF!) so he could buy it! People, we're talking about going to the back(employees only), getting an allen wrench, and taking my saddle off. WAAAAH!! Good thing Rob was there to stop this criminal behavior-i'll be good and keep this section PG, so i'll leave it at that. The saddle incident greatly disturbed Rob and I. A song by the Beatles came on, Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da, and cheered me up; however, Rob was still spastically shaking. We were given the permission from another customer to toss out their bike because there was no hope in repairing it. What did we do? Bike toss! We destroyed that bike by just throwing it and smashing it into whatever. It's custom now...aerodynamic smashed-in top tube, extra bend in the handlebar, multiple cracks in rear wheel. I found out that i had a lot of built up anger because i was doing most of the destruction. Everyone claims that i'm upset because i haven't heard from a friend in a few days, but i think i was just having a fun time. Life was great at the end of the day-heard a great song, tossed a around a bike, did some rare and unexpected modeling, talked to a girl who wants to wear a white skinsuit for me. Rob was better for one of the following reasons: he saw my mankini modeling picture, me modeling his new vintage wool jersey, the bike toss, cool cycling coffee, or the beer and his babe at the end of the day. I sure hope it was the last one.


Hey, it's custom!


Anonymous said...

the damage steven inflicted on the magna was disturbing. issues, steven, issues.

nPlusOne said...

So the shop is self service now? No need for my Bonty X-Lite post to come in (make sure Rob ordered that for me, ok - just kidding Rob) and just use my 4mm to take off the carbon fiber post of that Orbea.
That's not a bad concept.

No pics of the chick in the white skinsuit. Those aren't going to be our new team skinsuit, will they?

And try not to censor me this time.....meow

Mandy said...

big ring coffee! awesome stuff! owen is a badass (co-owner). continue to patronize, manimal. much luv