Manimal kryptonite

It's about the little things in life. On a day where everything goes wrong-such as today-only two things were able to make it better, and this coconut was one of those things. Strange, i know.
-Swaping pedals and cutting your hand on a chain ring is NEVER fun.
-Playing "catch-up" because you're late for a ride: sucks.
-It's 35 degrees and windy. Because you're late, you decide to skip out on some necessary clothing and freeze-to-death: misserable. (Thawing-out process: 1 hour)
-Bonking on a ride: soul-crushing!

My buddy mitch stayed with me and made a pit-stop for a few succulent candy bars which resulted in a full recovery. This rare event gave everyone a boost of confidence because they finally saw me crack-the guy that rips off their legs and leaves their extremities scattered in the street. Dont get too excited guys; i'll be back. It was only a hiccup; a bad day in the mountains for Marco Pantani. When it comes down to it, there isn't a single day that i don't have fun on my bike. Today was just a good experience. Experience is one thing you can't get for nothing.


Mandy said...

ha! i am commenting on cute steven's bloggityblog! ha! finally! i made it back to this site. been slammed with junk this weekend. but this comment space isn't about mandy's life; it's about steven's. he's awesome. he's funny. he's cute with both short and long hair. he's fast. he works in virginia. whee.

Rob said...

Wow, what an endorsement! If that doesn't help you get over your bonking, I don't know what will. I think she's trying to score some points since you've been seen "running around" with those derby girls. Meow! Saucer of milk at table two.

Anonymous said...

I re-read this. I am going to pick up my limbs and slap you with them.